PRESS RELEASE | NYISO Releases Short-Term Assessment of Reliability Report
Finds narrowing reliability margins in New York City
Rensselaer, NY – The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) today released its quarterly assessment of reliability of the bulk electric system that examines changes during the grid in transition. The Short-Term Assessment of Reliability (STAR) studied the period of January 15, 2023, through January 15, 2028, and found that reliability margins in New York City could become deficient in 2025 due to several factors.
In recognition of the rapidly changing power grid, the NYISO produces a STAR report on a quarterly basis. This approach provides timely opportunities to proactively identify reliability needs that may arise within the next five years due to changes to the grid from generator deactivations, transmission availability, and updated electric demand forecasts.
The Quarter 1 STAR found that planned retirements of generators due to public policy requirements, electrification adoption, and extreme weather risks are having profound impacts on the electric system. As such, the new report also stated that it is anticipated the next quarterly STAR report, to be issued in July, will identify reliability needs.
“This new STAR report reflects the extraordinary challenges of the grid in transition,” said Zach Smith, NYISO Vice President of System & Resource Planning. “As the stewards of the grid, we will continue to prioritize reliability as we work to the meet the state’s clean energy goals.”
Looking closely at reliability in the New York City area, the STAR report found that reliability margins will continue to narrow due to the planned retirement of certain generators in compliance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s “Peaker Rule.” Those findings are consistent with the NYISO’s 2022 Reliability Needs Assessment which was published in November 2022.
Following the release of the Quarter 1 STAR, the NYISO will publish its 2023 Gold Book which will provide a detailed review of New York State's load and capacity data for 2023 and future years.
View the entire Quarter 1 Short-Term Assessment of Reliability.