PRESS RELEASE | NYISO Board Selects Transmission Projects to Meet Public Policy Need
Rensselaer, NY | The NYISO Board of Directors announced its selection of two transmission projects to meet public policy needs. The selected transmission projects will benefit consumers by increasing delivery of environmentally desirable power to meet state energy goals, relieving congestion, and replacing aging infrastructure to bolster system reliability and resilience.
The projects will add the largest amount of free-flowing transmission capacity to the state’s grid in more than 30 years.
Pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Order No. 1000 and the NYISO’s Public Policy Transmission Planning Process, the New York State Public Service Commission (NYPSC) identified the need to expand the state’s AC transmission capability to deliver additional power from generating facilities located in upstate New York, including important renewable resources, to the population centers located downstate. To provide additional capability to move power from upstate to downstate, the NYPSC identified the Public Policy Transmission Needs to increase transfer capability from central to eastern New York by at least 350 MW (“Segment A”) and from the Albany region through the Hudson Valley region by at least 900 MW (“Segment B”). The planning process requires the NYISO Board to evaluate proposals in response to the PSC’s declared need and select the more efficient or cost-effective solutions.
After careful review, the Board found that a joint proposal by North America Transmission (NAT) and the New York Power Authority (NYPA) was the more efficient or cost-effective solution for Segment A. For Segment B, the Board found that the more efficient or cost-effective solution was a joint proposal by National Grid and Transco. The NYISO’s evaluation and selection process includes the engagement of an independent consultant to review each proposed project and apply a consistent methodology across all projects for establishing cost and schedule estimates as well as routing assessments.
The Board arrived at its decision only after detailed review and deliberation concerning the AC Transmission Report, stakeholders’ and developers’ comments, and the analysis of the market impacts.
“Today’s decision has important benefits for New York consumers. The additional transmission projects selected will improve the flow of power from upstate renewable resources to meet downstate demand and enhance the reliability and resilience of the grid. After a thoughtful and deliberative process, the NYISO Board arrived at a solution that will alleviate congestion, help deliver power where it is needed most, and aid the state in meeting its ambitious renewable energy goals,” said Robert Fernandez, NYISO Interim President and CEO. “On behalf of the Board, I want to thank all of the developers who submitted project proposals, stakeholders who participated in the process and, of course, the NYISO staff for their expertise and dedication.”The UPNY/SENY Project involves several different areas of focus.
NAT/NYPA Central East Project Details (Segment A)
The Central East Project involves construction of a new 345 kV line from Edic to New Scotland on existing right-of-way (primarily using Edic to Rotterdam right-of-way west of Princetown); construction of two new 345 kV lines from Princetown to Rotterdam on existing Edic to Rotterdam right-of-way; decommissioning of two 230 kV lines from Edic to Rotterdam; and related switching or substation work at Edic, Princetown, Rotterdam and New Scotland.
National Grid/Transco UPNY/SENY Project Details (Segment B)
The UPNY/SENY Project involves several different areas of focus.
Knickerbocker to Pleasant Valley
Construction of a new double-circuit 345 kV/115 kV line from Knickerbocker to Churchtown on existing Greenbush to Pleasant Valley right-of-way; construction of a new double circuit 345 kV/115 kV line from Churchtown to Pleasant Valley on existing Greenbush to Pleasant Valley right-of-way; decommissioning of a double-circuit 115 kV line from Knickerbocker to Churchtown; decommissioning of two double circuit 115 kV lines from Knickerbocker to Pleasant Valley; construction of a new tap of the New-Scotland Alps 345 kV line and new Knickerbocker switching station; related switching or substation work at Greenbush, Knickerbocker, Churchtown and Pleasant Valley substations.
Upgrades to the Rock Tavern Substation
New line traps, relays, potential transformer upgrades, switch upgrades, system control upgrades and the installation of data acquisition measuring equipment and control wire needed to handle higher line currents that will result as a consequence of the new Edic/Marcy to New Scotland; Princetown to Rotterdam and Knickerbocker to Pleasant Valley lines.
Shoemaker to Sugarloaf
Construction of a new double circuit 138 kV line from Shoemaker to Sugarloaf on existing Shoemaker to Sugarloaf right-of-way; decommissioning of a double circuit 69 kV line from Shoemaker to Sugarloaf; related switching or substation work at Shoemaker, Hartley, South Goshen, Chester, and Sugarloaf.
Public Policy Transmission Planning Process (PPTPP)
These are the second and third transmission projects (see the October 2017 release on the NextEra transmission project in Western New York here) to go through the PPTPP, a planning activity required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which the NYISO integrated into its Comprehensive System Planning Process. The PPTPP process considers transmission needs driven by public policy requirements established by the state.
The NYISO’s PPTPP consists of the following steps relative to identified transmission needs:
- Identification of public policy requirements/public policy needs.
- Solicitation of proposed solutions to identified needs.
- Evaluation of the viability and sufficiency of proposed solutions.
- Evaluation and selection by the NYISO of the more efficient or cost-effective transmission project to satisfy the need.
Next Steps
The individual selected developers are responsible for submitting their projects to the appropriate governmental agencies and authorities to obtain approvals and permits to site, construct, and operate the projects. This includes the PSC’s process for siting of major utility transmission facilities under Article VII of the Public Service Law.
The NYISO will work with the developers to enter into agreements for the development and operation of the transmission projects, including a schedule for siting, permitting, interconnection, construction, and other milestones for entry into service by December 2023.