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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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16726 Results found
Document Category Posted
Agenda 01 Board Candidate Recommendation Form
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-07
MC 2005/09/13
Draft Meeting Notes - July 14, 2005
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-13
ESPWG 2005/09/12
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-05-09
ESPWG 2005/09/12
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-05-09
ESPWG 2005/09/12
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-05-09
ESPWG 2005/09/12
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-05-09
ESPWG 2005/09/12
Draft Comprehensive Reliability Planning Process Draft Reliability Needs Assessment - Version 3
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-13
ESPWG 2005/09/12
committees - bic - prlwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-14
PRLWG 2005/09/11
Reserve Self Supply Presentation
committees - bic - inactive - mswg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-12
MSWG 2005/09/11
Agenda 03 Revised Attach. L Blackline Existing Transmission Agreement & Capacity for Native Load Tables
committees - bic - inactive - mswg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-12
MSWG 2005/09/09
Revised Agenda (v3)
committees - bic - inactive - mswg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-12
MSWG 2005/09/09
NYISO filing of comments regarding the NYSDPS motion to establish policies and procedures concerning generation unit retirements - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Sep
committees - mc-bls - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-15
Bylaws 2005/09/08
NYISO filing of answer to PSEG Resource Energy motion to leave to reply to NYISO's 6/2/05 refund report
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Sep
Agenda 07 Blacklined of Current Rate Schedule 5 to 083105 Circulated Version
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-07
MC 2005/09/02
Draft MC Minutes from August 1, 2005 - Please send comments to by August 26th.
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-07
MC 2005/09/02
Agenda 07 Blackline of Current Rate Schedule 5 to Base Rate Schedule 5
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-07
MC 2005/09/02
Agenda 07 Draft Proposed Clean Tariff Language re: Rate Schedule 5 - 090105
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-07
MC 2005/09/02
Agenda 04 Seams Report
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-07
MC 2005/09/01
committees - bic - inactive - bpctf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-01
BPCTF 2005/09/01