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PODCAST Ep. 5: Resources for the Future's Dr. Karen Palmer on Carbon Pricing and Multistate Impacts

January 2, 2020

Climate policy and energy economist and author Karen Palmer recently spoke at the House Subcommittee hearing on ‘Building a 100% Clean Energy Economy for the U.S. Power Sector.’

Dr. Palmer is currently a Senior Fellow and Director of the Future of Power Initiative at Resources for the Future (RFF), one of the oldest and most prestigious environmental think tanks in the country. In Episode 5 of our Power Trends Podcast, Dr. Palmer speaks with our Vice President of External Affairs, Kevin Lanahan about a study recently conducted by RFF on the New York ISO’s carbon pricing proposal.

Findings of the study project the following outcomes, using the RFF’s Engineering, Environmental and Economic Electricity Simulation Tool (E4ST). It demonstrated that our proposal would, by 2025:

  • Reduce CO2 emissions from New York's generators by between 6% and 22%
  • Extend emissions  reductions and health benefits to the large RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative) are from Maine to Maryland, including New Jersey and Virginia
  • Provide an annual net benefit to society at large of between $108M to $651M

Regarding the ability to provide market incentives consistent with the state’s environmental policy, Palmer quoted colleague, Dr. Susan Tierney of the Analysis Group who said that the New York ISO’s carbon pricing proposal would, “get clean energy goals and markets ‘rowing in the same direction.”

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