Internships at the New York ISO: A Unique Job and Learning Experience for College Students

For college students interested in learning how an electric grid is managed, there are few opportunities that compare to interning with the New York Independent System Operator, or NYISO for short.
Our program gives responsibility for a unique project within their group, gaining valuable insight from managers and coworkers about complex and cutting-edge technologies and ideas. We offer competitive compensation and invaluable experiences, including lunch-and-learn forums and day-trips to energy-related destinations around the Northeast.
The 12-week program culminates with intern presentations to executive management and staff.
“I don’t think there are many other internships that compare to this one,” said Eric, a 2016 intern from Clarkson University. “It has far exceeded my expectations.”
PHOTO: A 2018 intern gives a presentation on his summertime project to management and staff at the end of the 12-week program.
NYISO interns become immersed in our workplace culture; a place where personal and career growth is encouraged and where your work has actual impact on the outside world. You’ll work with some of the best and brightest in the fields of engineering, data analysis, IT, finance and planning, charged with nothing less than making sure the lights stay on in New York.
“It piqued my interest so much, I couldn’t leave,” said Meghan Castellano, a former intern who is now working in the NYISO area of Installed Capacity Market Operations.
To date, more than 40 former interns have been hired at NYISO as full-time employees.
The NYISO is seeking students in such fields as engineering, computer science, business administration, mathematics, economics, education, marketing or related fields for the following positions:
- Market Training: To conduct market research to develop new ways of reaching and building a target audience.
- Business & Data Analytics: To develop a variety of market-based projects, working with market experts on data analysis and related skills.
- Engineering - System & Resource Planning: To participate in such projects as transmission studies, planning, load forecasting, market structures and system modeling.
- IT Operations: contribute to the development of the NYISO’s IT Asset Management program and assist in integration of software.
- Software Development: To work with a variety of projects pertaining to reliability and market technologies as well as web integration technologies.
- Technical Security: To work with the NYISO technical security team to help develop and publish cybersecurity guidelines and procedures, while also providing inventory support, supporting implementation of patches and tests and participating in process development.
- Regulatory Affairs: To develop materials for the NYISO’s Regulatory Affairs department for the 2019 Power Trends campaign and an upcoming advisory council meeting.
PHOTO: NYISO's 2018 interns celebrate the end of a successful summer.
NYISO staff will be visiting more than 15 campuses around the Northeast U.S. and Canada over the next few months to discuss these opportunities in more detail. Follow us on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on our job fairs and other company news.
To learn more about our internships, view our Information Sheet.