
Improving the Interconnection Process for the Grid of the Future

The interconnection queue is where proposed renewable energy and other generation projects, new transmission infrastructure and major manufacturing facilities seek approval to connect to the grid safely and reliably. The NYISO’s System and Resource Planning Department is responsible under FERC regulations for performing studies in concert with local utilities of each project proposal for reliability impacts to the high voltage electric system.
The process, established long before the passage of the CLCPA, is intended to allow facilities to connect to the grid without harming the system or imposing undue costs on consumers. As the wholesale electricity market administrator and grid operator, We leads the process for New York. The process requires strong coordination between utilities, developers, and state and local governments in the communication and sharing of technical information and coordination of necessary study materials.
The state’s CLCPA immediately jump-started investment in a decarbonized grid, and the interconnection queue grew rapidly. In response, we have made several enhancements to the interconnection process. 

Episode 25: Growth of Clean Energy on the Grid

In this Power Trends podcast, VP of System & Resource Planning Zach Smith discusses how the NYISO is required to study the impacts of new resources seeking to connect to the electric system.

Power Trends Podcast Episode 25 with Zach Smith

Advancing New York’s Clean Energy Future with NYISO’S 2023 Class Year

A Class Year is a group of projects seeking to connect to the transmission system that have also met comparable milestones in the NYISO’s planning process.