Markets overview - market heading

Real-Time Data Dashboard

Data and information related to real-time and day-ahead market operations. You will find graphics and maps demonstrating the day-ahead market zonal LBMP, real-time fuel mix, load, load vs. LBMP, fuel mix, flow, interregional data, and interface data.


Markets Overview - Subpage Card1

Find real-time and historical data related to wholesale pricing, load, and the power grid.


The New York installed capacity (ICAP) market is based on the obligation placed on load serving entities (LSEs) to procure ICAP.

Transmission Congestion Contracts (TCCs) enable energy buyers and sellers to hedge transmission price fluctuations.

Markets Overview - Subpage Card2

This page provides information on NYISO system conditions as well as definitions for each system state.

DER are poised to transform New York's wholesale electric system.