Emissions Data
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Day-Ahead and Real-Time Implied Marginal Emission Rates (IMER)
The Implied Marginal Emission Rates (IMER) are estimated and available on a zonal level for the DAM and RTM.
Market Data Dashboard
Average Emission Rates (AER) Hourly NYCA and NYC Calculator
The AER calculator assists in determining NYCA-Wide and NYC AER by inputting emission intensity values for imports. Select NYCA or NYC from the drop-down menu to determine the type of AER calculator to be utilized. Input fields are Emission Intensity tons CO2 per MWh and Emission Intensity tons NOx per MWh. Time range cannot exceed one day.
All fields are required. CO2 and NOx values should be entered by tons per MWh.
Emissions Transparency Calculator
CSV can take up to one minute to generate.