Podcast Ep. 21: U.S. Energy Information Administration Experts Discuss Recent Energy Price Impacts
In our latest Power Trends Podcast, we interviewed two leading EIA analysts about domestic and international price trends and how world energy supply and demand are impacting wholesale electricity prices in New York.
We spoke to Dr. Tyler Hodge, Senior Economist in the Office of Energy Analysis, and Corrina Ricker, a Certified Data Scientist on the Natural Gas Markets team, to dive into the findings of EIA’s latest Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO).
Hodge explained the relationship between fuel costs and energy prices, and how recent geopolitical factors are creating uncertainty about energy supply. Ricker also explained the relationship between the economic slowdown resulting from the pandemic and how the demand for natural gas has more recently outpaced the growth in supply, leading to higher prices.
Both analysts also shared price forecasts in the STEO based on various economic data for the next several months and discussed the expected growth of clean energy resources on a national basis.
Listen to the podcast.
About the U.S. Energy Information Administration
The EIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. Read their Short-Term Energy Outlook.