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VIDEO: People Who Power NY: "I come to work every day in awe of what I do."

December 27, 2018

At first Elaine wanted to be an artist, then she went to college for political science. After that, she explored nursing. Eventually she found a way to apply her creativity and love of learning to computer science.

Meet Elaine, one of the People Who Power New York.

She joined the NYISO in 2004 as a Continuous Improvement Advisor. The position required creative problem-solving, which appealed to her artistic side. Since then, her career here flourished and led her to a role as Manager of IT Operations and Service Management. “There’s a lot riding on the services my teams provide,” she says. “Technology is ever-changing.”

Elaine is ever-changing as well, and that is one of the things that she finds fulfilling about how she has been able to evolve her career at the NYISO. Recently, she accepted a new position as the first female Manager of Security Governance, where she is responsible for overseeing NYISO’s Critical Infrastructure Protection and Security Programs.

Visit our careers page for more information on working at the NYISO.

We are an independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for operating the state’s bulk electricity grid, administering New York’s competitive wholesale electricity markets, conducting comprehensive long-term planning for the state’s electric power system, and advancing the technological infrastructure of the electric system serving the Empire State.
