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VIDEO SERIES: Connecting More Renewable Energy to the Grid

April 23, 2024

“For the past few years an overwhelming number of clean energy requests have rushed into our interconnection queue with a process that was not originally designed for this large volume of requests,” says Manager of Facilities Study, Wenjin Yan. The interconnection queue is an important piece in helping meet the state’s policy goals. In this new video series, we highlight the efforts underway to improve and expedite the connection of more renewable energy to the grid.

Episode 1: Connecting More Renewable Energy to the Grid


While our planning team may be at the forefront of this change, Senior Manager of Interconnection Projects Thinh Nguyen, points out, “It takes a village. We have dedicated teams throughout the NYISO that provide support.”

​​Episode 2: The Customer Service & Clean Energy Interconnection

Maintaining a reliable electric system through this unprecedented grid transition is essential. Our Stakeholder Services team plays a key role in helping customers, developers, and utilities navigate the interconnection process.“With the rate of change and the volume of projects in the interconnection queue we need to continuously evolve. We examine projects daily alongside our enterprise business process control group to see where we can bring new renewables onto the grid faster and easier,” says Manager of Stakeholder Services Chris Tamasi.

To understand more about our interconnection process and the improvements being made to help meet the state’s clean energy goals, watch the following videos and visit our Informational webpage.
