Market Monitoring
The Market Monitoring Unit (MMU) is responsible for ensuring that the markets administered by the ISO function efficiently and appropriately, and to protect both consumers and participants in the markets administered by the ISO by identifying and reporting Market Violations, market design flaws and market power abuses. Direct contact with the Market Monitoring Unit can be established here
The Market Mitigation and Analysis Department (MMA) is responsible for the implementation of the ISO Market Power Mitigation Measures (MST ATT H) and working collaboratively with the Market Monitoring Unit and other ISO departments to assist the ISO’s efforts to carry out its Tariff responsibilities, including the ISO’s obligation to provide adequate data and support to its Market Monitoring Unit.
Contact with the Market Mitigation and Analysis unit can be established through the Customer Relations Help Desk at 518.356.6060 (please note, all calls are recorded for quality assurance) or by emailing
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The NYISO Market Monitoring Plan grants the NYISO Market Monitoring Unit authority to investigate market events, conduct, and/or performance. NYISO market participants may, at their discretion, request the NYISO investigate a specifically identified market issue.