eLearning Course Opportunities

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Market Training eLearning Payment Policy

Payment is required upon eLearning course registration. By submitting payment, registrants acknowledge the course fee is nonrefundable, and that the course link is prohibited from being shared.




Ancillary Services

This module explains the purpose, benefits, and administration of NYISO's cost-based and market-based Ancillary Services. It highlights their essential role in assuring resource adequacy and maintaining grid reliability, along with identifying service suppliers and recipients.

Behind-the-Meter: Net Generation

This E-Learning Module provides information on Behind-the-Meter: Net Generation (BTM:NG) Resources, including minimum participation requirements and details surrounding participation in the Energy, Ancillary Services and Capacity Markets.

Co-located Storage Resources Participation Model

This e-learning module provides a bid-to-bill overview on how qualifying resources can participate as CSRs in NYISO's markets and services. Topics covered include an introduction to the  participation model, rules that pertain to the Interconnection process for resources participating as CSRs, key information surrounding qualifications and requirements for generators participating as CSRs in the Energy, Ancillary Services, and Installed Capacity Markets, as well as the Settlements associated with CSR market participation.

Demand Response

This module provides an overview of NYISO's current economic-based and reliability-based Demand Response programs. Content spotlights features and participation requirements for each program, in addition to information on how and when these programs are implemented.

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Onboarding Suite

This suite details the NYISO’s onboarding process for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) interested in participating in the NYISO markets. Included in this suite are the following resources: 

  • Introduction to Onboarding (eLearning module)
  • Interconnection for DERs (PDF)
  • NYISO Customer Registration and DER Aggregator Registration (eLearning module)
  • Credit (PDF)
  • DER Information Community Portal (DERIC) (PDF)
  • End-to-End Communications Testing (PDF)
  • Market Mitigation & Analysis (PDF)
  • Outage Scheduling (PDF)
  • Installed Capacity (ICAP) Enrollment for Participation (PDF)
  • Metering Requirements (PDF)
  • Metering for Settlements (PDF)
  • DER Settlements (PDF)
  • Resource Appendix: Onboarding of DERs (PDF)

DER Aggregation System Training

This e-learning module provides step-by-step instructions for enrollment of Aggregations and DER facilities for participation in NYISO’s markets and services, and management of enrollments of Aggregations, in the NYISO’s Aggregation system, the online interface developed for the DER Participation model.

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Participation Model

The Distributed Energy Resources (DER) participation model e-learning suite provides a bid-to-bill overview on how DERs and Aggregations can participate in NYISO’s markets and services. Topics being covered include an introduction to the participation model, an overview of the DER Onboarding processes, key information surrounding participation requirements for DERs and Aggregations in the Energy market, Ancillary Services, and Installed Capacity markets, and participation model transitions to and from the DER participation model.

DSS Introductory Course Suite

This DSS Introductory level suite of courses explains the purpose and benefits behind DSS, identifies the various report types available, demonstrates how to access and navigate within the DSS environment and teaches users how to build a basic custom query.

DSS Intermediate Course Suite

This DSS Intermediate level suite of courses describes the steps to take in creating and editing custom queries, how to utilize multiple data providers, how to create a graphical representation of report data, as well as the steps to send and receive reports via the DSS inbox.

Energy Marketplace

This module explains the function of the Energy Marketplace, the purpose behind the two-settlement system, and the market process timelines.

Energy Market Transactions

This e-Learning module explains the purpose behind Energy Market Transactions; the various transaction types; components of transaction bids; and the evaluation, scheduling, and settlement processes associated with Energy Market Transactions.

Energy Storage Resources (ESR) Participation Model

This e-learning module provides an overview of the Energy Storage Resources Participation model. Topics being covered include some background information leading up to this model’s implementation, key information surrounding participation requirements for ESRs in the energy, ancillary services, and installed capacity markets, and important ESR mitigation measures.

Energy Storage Resources (ESR) Onboarding Suite

This suite details the NYISO’s onboarding process for new Energy Storage Resources interested in participating in the NYISO markets. Included in this suite are the following resources:

  • Introduction to Onboarding (eLearning module)
  • Interconnection for ESRs (PDF)
  • NYISO Customer Registration and Resource Registration (eLearning module)
  • Resource Modeling and Start-Up Testing (PDF)
  • Credit (PDF)
  • Market Mitigation & Analysis (PDF)
  • Outage Scheduling (PDF)
  • ICAP (PDF)
  • Metering Requirements (PDF)
  • Metering for Settlements (PDF)
  • Settlements (PDF)
  • Appendix: Onboarding of New ESRs (PDF)

GADS Training

This online learning suite on Generating Availability Data Systems (GADS) consists of seven chapters and a FAQ. The suite is geared towards Market Participants belonging to organizations that submit GADS data to the NYISO and who would like to understand how the NYISO uses GADS data in Unforced Capacity (UCAP) calculations for participation as a Supplier in the NYISO’s Installed Capacity Market.

Generator Modeling Survey & Update Portal (GMSUP)

The Generator Modeling Survey & Update Portal (GMSUP) is a secure, web-based portal that provides users an application for submitting required annual Generator Modeling Survey data. This eLearning module provides information on the project background and portal navigation. Topics include a  walk through on how to update contact details, submit generator modeling updates, and steps to complete the Annual Generator Modeling Survey.

Installed Capacity (ICAP) Market

This module explains the primary benefits of the Installed Capacity (ICAP) Market and aids in differentiating between the terms ICAP and UCAP. Additionally, the module walks-through the various processes and activities associated with administering NYISO's Installed Capacity Market.

Locational Based Marginal Pricing (LBMP)

This e-Learning Module explains the basics of NYISO's pricing methodology known as Locational Based Marginal Pricing (LBMP). This includes defining and establishing LBMP, along with the three components of LBMP and the impact of system constraints.

Market Overview Suite

This Market Overview Suite provides an introduction to the NYISO markets and their functions. The suite spans 9 modules that review the history, formation, and governance of the NYISO, in addition to surveying New York grid operations and wholesale energy market administration.

NAESB Digital Certificate Tutorial

This E-Learning Module is geared towards guiding market participants on how to obtain and implement the use of a digital certificate to access NYISO markets and applications.

NYISO Introduction

This module provides an overview of the NYISO's formation, mission, and responsibilities, along with its governance structure.

NYISO’s Standard Interconnection Procedures

The purpose of the NYISO’s Standard Interconnection Procedures training is to help existing and prospective Interconnection Customers understand the reforms and enhancements to the NYISO’s Interconnection Process.

This e-learning module will provide an overview of the NYISO’s Standard Interconnection Procedures, the timeline of the Cluster Study Process, including the Transitional Cluster Study, the Interconnection Request (IR) application requirements, including Site Control, modeling and financial requirements, the process of submitting an IR application through the Interconnection Project portal, and overview of the two-phased Cluster Study Process.

Outage Scheduler (OMS): Generator Owner (GO) Edition

This e-Learning module provides a walk-through of the Outage Scheduler (OMS) System for Generator Owners. Topics covered include accessing and logging into the OMS System, environment navigation, creating a new outage request (Generation O.R.E), tracking a request, as well as modifying a request.

Outage Scheduler (OMS): GOCP for Aggregators and Generator Owners

This e-Learning module provides Aggregators/Generator Owners (GO) a walk-through of the Grid Operations Coordination Portal (GOCP), within NYISO’s Outage Management System (OMS). Topics include accessing and logging into the OMS System, navigating to the GOCP, and the various steps associated with creating, submitting, modifying and viewing an outage request.

Outage Scheduler (OMS):
GOCP for Distribution System Operators

This e-Learning module provides Distribution System Operators (DSO) a walk-through of the Grid Operations Coordination Portal (GOCP), within NYISO’s Outage Management System (OMS). Topics include accessing and logging into the OMS System, navigating to the GOCP, and the steps associated with viewing an Aggregator outage and/or Supplemental Resource Availability (SRA) request.

Outage Scheduler (OMS):  GOCP for Transmission Owners

This e-Learning module provides Transmission Owners (TO) a walk-through of the Grid Operations Coordination Portal (GOCP), within NYISO’s Outage Management System (OMS). Topics include accessing and logging into the OMS System, navigating to the GOCP, and the various steps associated with creating, submitting, modifying and viewing an outage and/or Supplemental Resource Availability (SRA) request. Additionally the module steps through the process TOs will use to grant ‘view only’ GOCP privileges to Distribution System Operators (DSO).

Outage Scheduler (OMS): Transmission Owner (TO) Edition

This e-Learning module provides a walk-through of the Outage Scheduler (OMS) System for Transmission Owners. Topics covered include accessing and logging into the OMS System, environment navigation, accessing the conflict calendar, creating a new outage request (Transmission O.R.E), tracking a request, as well as modifying a request.

Outage Scheduling

This eLearning module describes the NYISO’s outage scheduling process and is intended for entities responsible for notifying the NYISO of planned and unexpected changes to the operational availability of their transmission and generating facilities. In this module users will discover the basis for outage scheduling and its associated reliability requirements. Additionally, this eLearning module explains outage request submission requirements, applicable timelines, NYISO’s request assessment process, and the potential request results. This eLearning module also provides insight on available outage scheduling reports by user type and additional resources.

Power Systems Fundamental

This module explains the basic fundamentals of the New York Control Area (NYCA) power system, including key operational terms and definitions. The module reviews the three primary components of the power system along with the operating relationship between the NYISO and its neighboring control areas.

TCC Basics

This e-Learning Module explains the basic functions and processes associated with Transmission Congestion Contracts (TCC). More specifically it describes the hedging opportunities associated with TCCs, as well as applicable purchasing and settlements processes.

TCC Competency Exam

In order to have TCC bidding privileges turned on, a market participant must complete this TCC competency exam and attain a grade of 75% or greater to demonstrate competency.

Virtual Trading

This e-Learning Module explains Virtual Trading Basics, the corresponding bidding, and settlements processes, in addition to Virtual Trading credit requirements.

Virtual Trading Competency Exam

In order to have Virtual Trading bidding privileges turned on, a market participant must complete this Virtual Trading competency exam and attain a grade of 75% or greater to demonstrate competency.

Wind and Solar Intermittent Power Resources Onboarding Suite

This suite details the NYISO’s onboarding process for new Wind and Solar Intermittent Power Resources interested in participating in the NYISO markets. Included in this suite are the following resources:

  • Introduction to Onboarding (eLearning module)
  • Interconnection for Wind and Solar IPRs (PDF)
  • NYISO Customer Registration and Resource Registration (eLearning module)
  • Establishment of Wind and Solar Forecast (PDF)
  • Resource Modeling, End-to-End Communications Testing and Pre-Commercial Testing (PDF)
  • Credit (PDF)
  • Market Mitigation & Analysis (PDF)
  • Outage Scheduling (PDF)
  • Installed Capacity (ICAP) (PDF)
  •  Metering Requirements (PDF)
  • Metering for Settlements (PDF)
  • Settlements (PDF)
  • Appendix: Onboarding of New IPRs (PDF)

Wind and Solar Intermittent Power Resource Participation Model

This module provides an overview of the participation model associated with Wholesale Wind and Solar Intermittent Power Resources. Topics covered include background information leading to the implementation of this model, along with information surrounding participation requirements.