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THE POST-JOURNAL | NYISO Defends 'Social Cost Of Carbon' Plan

Mar. 05, 2019 | In response to the paper’s editorial on the New York Independent System Operator’s (NYISO) role with regard to pricing the “social cost of carbon” into the wholesale electric markets, we feel it is incumbent upon us, as the independent operator of the state’s electric grid, to clarify certain details.

THE CAPITAL PRESSROOM | February 7, 2019: Achieving the Governor’s energy goals

Feb. 07, 2019 | The Governor has a new goal to bring the state to 100 percent renewable energy. What steps does the State have to take to achieve that goal? Kevin Lanahan, Vice President for External Affairs and Corporate Communications, broke down the next steps.

TIMES UNION | Editorial: The high cost of carbon

Feb. 06, 2019 | THE ISSUE: The operator of New York's power grid is considering a pricing system that accounts for the "social cost of carbon."

TIMES UNION | Measuring the "social cost" of power

Feb. 04, 2019 | Every TV, computer, smartphone and other electrical device in your home or business relies on a power plant, whether it burns fossil fuel like natural gas, oil or coal, or relies on renewable sources like the sun or wind. And every second a fossil fuel-fired plant runs, it sends climate-changing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

S&P GLOBAL | NYISO strategic plan highlights carbon pricing, energy storage, DERs

Jan. 24, 2019 | The New York Independent System Operator's five-year power grid plan sets out six strategic initiatives to guide its projects and resource allocation that include pricing carbon emissions into the wholesale market, which could increase power prices by about $10-$15/MWh, an analyst said Wednesday.

POWER MARKETS TODAY | NYISO releases new version of strategic plan for 2019-2023

Jan. 24, 2019 | NYISO released yesterday the latest iteration of its strategic plan for 2019-2023 -- focused on dealing with the evolution of the grid and how the market structure is transitioning...

RTO INSIDER | Imports/Exports Top Talk at NYISO Carbon Pricing Kick-off

Jan. 17, 2019 | The NYISO working group charged with shepherding carbon pricing into New York’s wholesale electricity market kicked off its efforts Tuesday by taking up the issue of how import and export transactions would be handled under the pricing scheme.

POWER MARKETS TODAY | NYISO supports proposed 17% NYSRC reserve margin

Jan. 10, 2019 | NYISO told FERC yesterday it agrees with the New York State Reliability Council's (NYSRC) proposal to set a reserve margin for the state of 17% for the next capacity...

POWER MARKETS TODAY | FERC partially approves NYISO 844 compliance

Jan. 09, 2019 | FERC issued an order Friday partially approving NYISO's compliance with Order 844, requiring...

NATURAL GAS INTELLIGENCE | NYISO Inches Forward First-of-its-Kind Carbon Pricing Proposal

Dec. 27, 2018 | The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) has released its latest carbon pricing proposal, saying this version will provide the basis for additional stakeholder input as consideration and discussions move into the grid operator's formal shared governance process.

GREENTECH MEDIA | NY Governor Wants Zero-Carbon Electricity by 2040

Dec. 18, 2018 | New York Governor Andew Cuomo announced Monday that he will push for New York to transition to 100 percent clean electricity by 2040, in a statement outlining his agenda for early 2019.

POWER MARKETS TODAY | NYISO Task Force Offers Carbon in Markets Proposal

Dec. 11, 2018 | NYISO's Integrating Public Policy Task Force Friday released a draft proposal to include a price on carbon in its markets. New York State is pursuing decarbonization of its economy with the goal of cutting CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.

POLITICO NEW YORK | NYISO carbon price print

Dec. 10, 2018 | The New York Independent System Operator released its latest proposal for pricing carbon in the wholesale electricity market on Friday. The proposal represents hours of discussions, several spreadsheets of crunched numbers and intense work by NYISO staff, outside consultants, interested energy players and advocates.

RTO INSIDER | NYISO Plan Revises Treatment of Carbon-Free Resources

Nov. 27, 2018 | NYISO said Monday it would revise its carbon pricing proposal to enhance the bidding treatment for carbon-free resources and help prevent carbon leakage within its market.

EASTERN INTERNCONNECTION PLANNING COLLABORATIVE | EPIC Completes Report on State of Eastern Interconnection

Oct. 04, 2018 | A report issued today on the State of the Eastern Interconnection, the collection of power systems serving two-thirds of the US and Canada, describes the coordinated planning undertaken to maintain the reliability of the bulk power system.

EXELON | Cleaning the Air: Take on Tackling Carbon Emissions by Charging True Cost to Society

Sep. 18, 2018 | Given the urgency of the climate challenge, we commend New York ISO for undertaking this nation-leading effort to properly value generators' environmental attributes and achieve New York's carbon reduction goals.

RTO INSIDER | Overheard at IPPNY 2018 Fall Conference

Sep. 18, 2018 | The evolving challenges of grid resilience and the past and future of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision took center stage at the Independent Power Producers of New York’s Annual Fall Conference on Friday.

CITY & STATE NEW YORK | How to get to '50 by 30'

Aug. 22, 2018 | Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared two years ago that New York would generate half of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030. The mandate has a catchy tagline to accompany it: “50 by 30.”

UTILITY DIVE | New York studies European offshore wind industry to inform development plans

Aug. 17, 2018 | New York has set aggressive plans for developing its nascent offshore wind industry, targeting 2,400 MW of capacity by 2030, and announced last week it will be studying European offshore wind transmission models in an effort to benefit from advances made on the other side of the Atlantic.

RENEWABLES NOW | New York to study offshore wind transmission

Aug. 09, 2018 | New York power agencies and partners will be exploring offshore wind transmission options, focusing on large-scale projects in Europe, the state’s governor Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday.