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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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Document Category Posted
Final Minutes
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-08-08
BIC 2007/11/21
Enernoc's Responses to Comments on the APMD vs CBL
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-12-10
ICAPWG 2007/11/21
Final Minutes
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-07-25
MC 2007/11/21
Final Minutes
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-04-30
MC 2007/11/21
Final Minutes
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-10-10
BIC 2007/11/21
Final Motions
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-04-30
MC 2007/11/21
October 2007
library - Reports - Corporate Reports - NYISO Monthly Report - See More - 2007
Reports 2007/11/20
Comments on ConEd's Rider U Program
committees - bic - prlwg - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-11-02
PRLWG 2007/11/20
October 2007
library - special - Studies-and-Reports - Reports - Monthly-Reports - 2007
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-11-15
SPWG 2007/11/19
External Transaction Settlements at Non-Competitive Proxy Buses
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-10-17
SPWG 2007/11/19
Analyzing GT Performance in RT
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-09-18
SPWG 2007/11/19
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-12-10
SPWG 2007/11/19
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-11-01
SPWG 2007/11/19
Final Minutes
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-09-20
MC 2007/11/19
Final Motions
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-11-14
MC 2007/11/19
BPCG for Exports Presentation - Bob Thompson
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-11-15
SPWG 2007/11/19
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-10-17
SPWG 2007/11/19
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-12-03
SPWG 2007/11/19
External Transaction Settlements at Non-Competitive Proxy Buses (rev)
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-10-07
SPWG 2007/11/19
committees - bic - inactive - spwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-09-18
SPWG 2007/11/19
Final Minutes
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-10-24
MC 2007/11/19
Agenda 4 Presentation Re: RTS
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Summary of Motions
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Agenda 6 Seams Timeline 2000-2004
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Schedule 1 Analysis - Project Status
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-09-19
BAWG 2007/11/16
DRAFT Tech Bulletin MIS tools to support web based reconciliation
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-10-30
BAWG 2007/11/16
Status Report
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-09-27
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-03-28
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-31
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-02-28
BAWG 2007/11/16
Web-Based Reconciliation
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-15
BAWG 2007/11/16
NYISO filing of motion for leave to answer request for rehearing of 330 Fund Energy
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2007 - Nov
Agenda 2 Draft BIC Minutes from May 22nd BIC meeting - Comments shown in Redline
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Final Minutes
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Agenda 4 - RTS - Architecture Concept of Operation (COO)
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Agenda 10 Motion Re: TSC Revenue Reporting
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
mpug redline
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Agenda 6 Seams Timeline 2000-2004
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Meeting Notes
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-09-27
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-07-25
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-15
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-09-19
BAWG 2007/11/16
Strategic Energy Presentation on Settlements
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-09-19
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-10-29
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-20
BAWG 2007/11/16
March 12, 2002 Final Bill Task Force Meeting Update
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-03-28
BAWG 2007/11/16
Status on Loss and Load Issues by J. Scheiderich
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-31
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-12-19
BAWG 2007/11/16
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-30
BAWG 2007/11/16
Agenda 2 Draft BIC Minutes from April 26th BIC meeting
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Agenda 2 Draft BIC Minutes from May 22nd BIC meeting - Comments shown in Redline
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
Agenda 2 Draft BIC Minutes from April 26th BIC meeting
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-26
BIC 2007/11/16
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-01-25
BIC 2007/11/15
Agenda 7 - Seams Issues - High Priority Items
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-01-25
BIC 2007/11/15
NYISO Status Report on Market Participant Data Requests
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-15
BIC 2007/11/15
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-15
BIC 2007/11/15
Agenda 5B tariff clean
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-05-24
BIC 2007/11/15
Agenda 5B tariff clean
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-05-24
BIC 2007/11/15
motions summary
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-05-24
BIC 2007/11/15