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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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16684 Results found
Document Category Posted
committees - bic - prlwg - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-05-30
PRLWG 2005/04/12
committees - bic - prlwg - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-02-26
PRLWG 2005/04/12
Final 2004 FERC DADRP Decision
committees - bic - prlwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-01-04
PRLWG 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - dsstf - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-04-29
DSSTF 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-09-24
MTF 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-07-22
MTF 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-07-22
MTF 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2003 - 2003-05-19
MTF 2005/04/12
Nattional Grid Comments on the Revenue Metering Manual 022805
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-03-04
MTF 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2004 - 2004-09-10
MTF 2005/04/12
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2004 - 2004-08-24
MTF 2005/04/12
NYISO Joint Compliance Filing with Niagara Mohawk regarding 3/25/05 order accepting settlement of NMPC and Multiple Interveners
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Apr
FERC Letter Order accepting compliance tariff filing regarding effective date for elimination of transmission service charges with the New England Control Area
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 2005 - Apr
Strategic Energy Brief History of Attempts to Implement Net Settlement
committees - mc - inactive - ppt - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-04-11
PPT 2005/04/11
Strategic Energy Letter to BIC Chair
committees - mc - inactive - ppt - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-04-11
PPT 2005/04/11
NYISO Filing of FERC Form Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Apr
NYISO Compliance Filing of tariff revisions to special balancing rules and eliminate penalty exemptions for certain generators
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Apr
NYISO Compliance Filing of a progress report regarding the comprehensive reliability planning process
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Mar
FERC Letter Order accepting NYISO's status report on its progress with stakeholders to discuss the need to revise creditworthiness standards and settlement policies
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 2005 - Mar
NYISO Filing of a request for extension of time until 6/2/05, to submit a refund report regarding market clearing prices for energy in the Real-Time Market on May 8 and 9, 2000
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Mar