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Back How the People Who Power New York Give Back


How the People Who Power New York Give Back

January 28, 2019

Running New York’s electric grid takes dedication. So does being a community-minded organization. Either way, the New York Independent System Operator, (New York ISO for short), knows the importance of caring about our neighbors.

Our nearly 600 employees are the People Who Power New York, and we take social responsibility seriously. We set a high standard for ourselves and view our role in keeping the lights on for New Yorkers as part of a powerful purpose that extends to giving back to our communities and neighborhoods.

Corporate responsibility is deeply engrained in the culture of the New York ISO and something that makes the work we do here even more fulfilling. And our work has not gone unnoticed. In December 2018, the NYISO was named one of the "Responsible 100" by the publication City & State New York. The list celebrates organizations creating "standards of excellence, dedication and leadership in improving their communities and making transformative changes."

NYISO staff love to volunteer. We work with large organizations such as the Red Cross and Ronald McDonald House, as well as local food banks and programs like Future City, which teaches STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) skills to kids.

Our employees have donated more than $1.5 million to charitable organizations over the years, from the United Way to No-Shave November. We have also supported charity events for both veterans and troops serving oversees.

When the call comes to donate goods, we deliver - everything from clothing and food drives to Toys for Tots.

Whether giving of time or money, we stay engaged in our communities. These efforts connect us personally to our neighbors and give us a great opportunity to communicate our role in energizing New York, not just as an organization, but as people with a very real understanding of the impact we have on one another.


We are an independent, not-for-profit corporation responsible for operating the state’s bulk electricity grid, administering New York’s competitive wholesale electricity markets, conducting comprehensive long-term planning for the state’s electric power system, and advancing the technological infrastructure of the electric system serving the Empire State.
