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Podcast Ep. 14: NYISO VP Zach Smith on Emission-Free Grid Planning, Climate Change & the Interconnection Queue

It’s Zach Smith’s job to prepare the New York energy grid for the future. Our Vice President of System and Resource Planning manages the team that looks at all potential reliability issues the grid could face, from a week to 10 years in the future.

Podcast Ep. 13: Key Capture Energy’s Jeff Bishop on the Critical Role of Storage in Greening the Grid

Jeff Bishop, CEO and co-founder of Key Capture Energy, got his start in the energy business 20 years ago developing wind farms in New York and around the world.

PODCAST Ep. 12: Emilie Nelson Advises the CAC that a System of Markets, Physics and People Will Produce a Reliable Zero-Emissions Grid

Emilie Nelson, NYISO’s Executive Vice President, has more than two decades of experience in the energy industry. She’s also a member of the Power Generation Advisory Panel to the New York State Climate Action Council (CAC).

PODCAST Ep. 11: John Reese talks “Big Think” on Power Gen’s Clean Energy Future

John Reese has a long history in the energy business, from roles with New York State, the U.S. Department of Energy, and his current position as Senior Vice President at Eastern Generation, which currently provides more than 20% of New York City’s energy capacity.

PODCAST Ep. 10: Bob Hiney Offers His Wisdom & Advice on the Future of New York's Grid

What do you get when your avowed hobby is “energy policy?” With Bob Hiney, you get a man steeped in the minutia of New York’s energy markets, with four decades of experience in the electric power industry.

PODCAST Ep. 9: From COVID-19 to the CLCPA, Power Trends is a Must-Read for Grid Stakeholders and Policymakers

What goes into the making of Power Trends, our annual report that tells the story of the electric grid in New York State? And why do you need to read it?

PODCAST Ep. 8: Wes Yeomans on Staying Calm, Sequestering Operators, & the Virtues of Virtual Campfires

What do you do when faced with the unknown risks of a new disease if you’re in charge of the reliability of the energy grid in New York State?

PODCAST Ep. 7: Clarkson President Anthony Collins on Promoting a Culture of Innovation

Dr. Anthony Collins, President of Clarkson University since 2003, believes in the importance of finding new ways to promote a culture of innovation in one of the nation’s top technical colleges. It’s a culture engrained in our mission here at the NYISO as we transition to the grid of the future.

PODCAST Ep. 6: 'State of the Grid,' Episode 6 Outlines NYISO Initiatives to Meet Climate & Policy Goals

In 2020, the pace of change on the power grid is being driven by aggressive legislation and the ways in which clean energy resources are being economically reevaluated.

PODCAST Ep. 5: Resources for the Future's Dr. Karen Palmer on Carbon Pricing and Multistate Impacts

Climate policy and energy economist and author Karen Palmer recently spoke at the House Subcommittee hearing on ‘Building a 100% Clean Energy Economy for the U.S. Power Sector.’
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