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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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16725 Results found
Document Category Posted
April 2023
library - Reports - Corporate Reports - NYISO Monthly Report - 2023
Reports 2023/06/05
NEET NY 2023 Annual Projection - Informal Challenges Resolution Summary
support - budget-and-finance - billing-rates - NextEra-Energy-Transmission-New-York - 2023-Annual-Projection
2a Draft ICAP Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-07
ICAPWG 2023/06/02
NYISO Quarterly Report - 2023 Quarter 1
library - Reports - Corporate Reports - MMU Quarterly Reports - 2023
Reports 2023/06/02
2b Draft ICAP Manual Appendix
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-07
ICAPWG 2023/06/02
NEET NY- 2022 Annual True-Up Meeting Notice
support - budget-and-finance - billing-rates - NextEra-Energy-Transmission-New-York - 2022-Annual-True-Up
4 Q1 State of the Market Report
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-07
ICAPWG 2023/06/02
Petition of the NYISO for Authority to Incur Indebtedness for a Term in Excess of Twelve Months
library - Regulatory-Resources - NYPSC-Filings - 2023
Final Motions
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-05-31
MC 2023/06/01
NEET NY - 2022 Actual Revenue Requirement and True-Up Adjustment (Excel)
support - budget-and-finance - billing-rates - NextEra-Energy-Transmission-New-York - 2022-Annual-True-Up
2 2022 NYISO SOM Report
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-06
ICAPWG 2023/06/01
NEET NY - 2022 Actual Revenue Requirement and True-Up Adjustment
support - budget-and-finance - billing-rates - NextEra-Energy-Transmission-New-York - 2022-Annual-True-Up
3a Operations Report - Revised
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-05-31
MC 2023/05/31
03/04 NY Map of Projects
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-05
ESPWG 2023/05/31
00 Agenda
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-05
ESPWG 2023/05/31
03 Study Scopes - Zip Folder
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-05
ESPWG 2023/05/31
08 National Grid LTP Update - May 2023
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-05
ESPWG 2023/05/31
Draft BPWG Project Prioritization Survey - revised
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-05-31
BPWG 2023/05/26
5 Autumn 2023 Centralized TCC Auction Survey and Discussion
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-06-01
ICAPWG 2023/05/26
2023-05-31 Stakeholder Survey Distribution List.pdf
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2023 - 2023-05-31
BPWG 2023/05/26