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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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Document Category Posted
ICAP Manual - Blacklined
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-01-11
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
ICAP Manual Section 4.5.5 - FINAL DRAFT - November 15, 2000
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Revised pages of the draft ICAP Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
NYISO GADS Reporting Position
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-07
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
11/1/00 Memo from Kathy Robb of Hunton and Williams regarding Draft Stage II Tariff for review
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-08
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
NYISO Services Tariff - Draft Stage II Tariff on Implementation of a Permanent Installed Capacity Market Design (BLACKLINED November 14, 2000)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
NYISO Installed Capacity Manual: Blacklined Draft Section 4, ICAP Requirements Applicable to Installed Capacity Suppliers
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
NYISO Services Tariff - Draft Stage II Tariff on Implementation of a Permanent Installed Capacity Market Design (BLACKLINED November 14, 2000)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Final Draft ICAPWG Tariff - CLEAN copy (For background information, see Kathy Robb e-mail memo of 11/20/00)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
BLACKLINED Draft Stage 2 ICAP Manual - Dated February 23, 2001 and marked against the Stage 1A ICAP Manual approved by BIC on February 15, 2001
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-28
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
BLACKLINED Draft Stage IA ICAP Manual Subject to Review
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-09
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
ICAP Manual - Clean
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-01-11
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Attachment J of the Phase 2 Installed Capacity Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-12
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Attachment J of the Phase 2 Installed Capacity Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-12
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
CLEAN Draft of the Stage 2 Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-06-08
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
CLEAN Draft of the 1A Manual that reflect the changes discussed in the memorandum
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-04-10
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Draft List of Issues for Working Group Consideration
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-07-11
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
BLACKLINED Draft of the Stage 2 Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-06-08
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
CLEAN Draft Stage 2 ICAP Manual - Dated March 14, 2001 for ICAPWG Review
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-03-22
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
CLEAN Draft Stage 2 Tariff - Dated February 23, 2001
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-28
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
NYISO Services Tariff - Draft Stage II Tariff on Implementation of a Permanent Installed Capacity Market Design (Redlined version)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-08
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
BLACKLINED Draft Stage 2 ICAP Manual - Dated February 23, 2001 and marked against the Stage 1A ICAP Manual approved by BIC on February 15, 2001
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2001 - 2001-02-28
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Final Draft ICAPWG Tariff - BLACKLINED to show changes against the current Tariff (For background information, see Kathy Robb e-mail memo of 11/20/00)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
NYISO Services Tariff - Draft Stage II Tariff on Implementation of a Permanent Installed Capacity Market Design (Clean version)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-08
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Section 4 of the Transmission and Dispatching Operations Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-16
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Procurement Period Report
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2000 - 2000-11-08
ICAPWG 2008/01/03
Final Motions
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2007 - 2007-12-19
MC 2007/12/20
NYISO Issues 2008-2012 Strategic Plan
library - press-releases - 2007
Clean ICAP Manual for Review
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-21
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Draft Modifications to Stage 2 ISO Services Tariff - CLEAN
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-21
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
The Award of External and Local UCAP Deliverability Rights
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-06
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Demand ResponseProgram Language proposed by the PRL committee
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-03-06
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-21
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Draft Modifications to Stage 2 ISO Services Tariff - BLACKLINED
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-18
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
HQUS Revised Proposal for Amendments to the External ICAP (ICAP Manual Section 4.9)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Agenda 3b - Stage II Tariff - Blacklined
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-07-03
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Proposed UDR Tariff and Manual Changes- submitted by Jim Scheiderich NU/Select Energy
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Blackline ICAP Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-17
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-17
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Draft Modifications to Stage 2 ISO Services Tariff - BLACKLINED
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-18
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
ICAP Stage 2 Tariff - Sections dealing with DMNC ratings for resources - BLACKLINED - August 5, 2002
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Draft Proposed ICAP Manual Revisions - New Proposed Section 4.14 - UDR Proposal - BLACKLINED - August 2, 2002
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Clean Tariff
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-17
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
HQUS ICAP Deliverability Proposal
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-04-29
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-04-29
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Draft Modifications to Stage 2 ISO Services Tariff - BLACKLINED
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-21
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Manual Revisions - BLACKLINED
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Manual Revisions - CLEAN
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-05-06
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-06-18
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Clean ICAP Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-17
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Blackline ICAP Manual
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-01-17
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Agenda 2b - Stage II Tariff - Blacklined
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-07-03
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Agenda 2b - Stage II Tariff - Clean
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-07-03
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
HQUS Revised Proposal for Amendments to the External ICAP (ICAP Manual Section 4.9)
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
Agenda 3b - Stage II Tariff - Blacklined
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-07-03
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-08-05
ICAPWG 2007/12/19
ICAP Treatment Scenarios for External Transactions
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2002 - 2002-03-06
ICAPWG 2007/12/19