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FAQ: Reforming Buyer-Side Mitigation for a Reliable, Greener Grid

The New York State Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA) sets the stage for aggressive state action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote expansion of renewable, distributed energy, and energy storage resources.

Podcast Ep. 18: Zach Smith on Reliability Risks from Extreme Weather, Transmission Constraints, and Electricity Economics

We’ve just released a new report, the Comprehensive Reliability Plan, which looks at the New York energy grid over the next 10 years and determines if there are any factors that could impact our ability to keep the lights on for all.

The Role of IT at the NYISO

Running the energy grid in New York takes skilled engineers, grid operators, and economists. But the largest part of our workforce is actually the team of software developers, database administrators, networking experts, and other professionals that make up our IT department.

VIDEO: NYISO's Role in New York's Largest Transmission Buildout in Over 30 Years

As clean energy resources continue to grow in New York state, expanding our transmission network is vital to making sure that new renewable energy (mostly located upstate) can get to where we need it most (mostly downstate).

DATASHEET: Study Examines Power Grid Reliability Risks

The NYISO is responsible for planning the power system to prepare for future reliability risks.

VIDEO: Grid is Equipped to Meet Expected Winter Energy Demands

As we move into the coldest months of the year, we're engaged with suppliers, utilities and transmission owners to make sure the system is ready for extreme winter conditions.

How Our Environmental Advisory Council Adds a Clean Perspective to NYISO Decisions

The energy industry, by all accounts, is at a crossroads. New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) promises sweeping changes in the way we operate the electric system, while national climate policy and decarbonization has become a major focal point of the 117th United States Congress.

GridEx: How NYISO Joins the Nation to Promote Grid Security

Every two years, the nation’s largest grid security exercise, GridEx, is conducted by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). GridEx is a grid security simulation that takes place across North America, allowing utilities and organizations such as the NYISO to test their response to and recovery from simulated, coordinated, cyber and physical security threats and incidents.

VIDEO: NYISO Vets Use Military Training to Serve the Grid

The NYISO has always been a welcoming workplace to military veterans. Nearly 50 vets are currently employed here, in roles ranging from operations to engineering, finance to cybersecurity.

Podcast Ep. 17: Summer Reliability Retrospective & Modeling for Climate Change

When Wes Yeomans speaks, people in the energy industry listen. The Vice President of Operations, Wes has three decades of energy industry experience, including more than 10 years at the NYISO.

VIDEO: How "Dispatchable" Solar Power Can Help Maintain Reliability on the Grid

With more than 1,500 megawatts of grid-scale solar proposed for New York’s energy grid, we’ve launched a new program that will help enhance grid reliability by increasing the flexibility and predictability of this clean energy resource.

VIDEO: With Clean Energy Growing in NY, We Streamlined the Review Process

As renewable technology advances, record numbers of new, clean energy resources are requesting to connect to the grid. Our System and Resource Planning group is responsible for evaluating projects’ impacts to the electric system.

Podcast Ep. 16: Gil C. Quiniones, President & CEO of NYPA, on Decarbonization, Building a Better Grid & Disaster Recovery

Gil C. Quiniones, President and CEO of the New York Power Authority (NYPA), has transformed the organization and he has a lot to say about the grid of the future. The internationally-recognized leader in the power industry oversees a quarter of New York’s energy generation and a third of its transmission.

EBOOK: “How Markets Support Climate & Policy Goals,” Details Path to Grid of the Future

Our latest eBook, How Markets Support Climate & Policy Goals, details the role our competitive energy, capacity and ancillary markets play in delivering the grid of the future and our role helping New York meet its goals of a zero-emission energy grid.

Podcast Ep. 15: ACE NY’s Anne Reynolds Advises CAC on Fast-Tracking Clean Energy Targets

Anne Reynolds joined the Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY) as Executive Director in 2014. But she has spent her career working on clean energy and environmental issues, including on numerous state programs to help ease the transition to emission-free resources in New York.

VIDEO: Power Trends: 8 Minutes, 22 Slides, 1 Grid of the Future

Our Power Trends 2021 report outlines our commitment to maintaining grid reliability in these times of change while detailing how the power grid is evolving to meet public policy objectives.

How Winter Energy Use May Grow with Electrification

Preparing for peak demand is fundamental to our efforts to maintain grid reliability. Our expert planners analyze meteorological forecasts, economic forecasts, and historical energy demand trends to identify when we think the highest energy demand will be, and how much.

VIDEO: Hybrid Storage and the 2040 Grid

What is hybrid storage? It’s the pairing of renewable resources, like solar or wind, with battery storage at the same location. The idea is to capture excess renewable energy effectively when it’s abundant and store it for when the sun goes down or the wind stops blowing.

Offshore Wind and the Role of New Transmission

As New York State moves forward with its plan to grow offshore wind to 9 gigawatts (GW) or more, we are preparing for the necessary transmission changes need to support this new source of energy.

How a Natural Gas Moratorium Could Cause Bumps in the Road to an Emissions-Free Grid

Now that New York State has set 2040 as the year to establish an emissions-free electric grid, industry and government are working together to establish a plan to achieve this monumental goal.

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