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VIDEO: People Who Power New York: "A Spark for Teaching"

Participants and other stakeholders in NYISO-administered wholesale electricity markets count on experts like Mathangi Srinivasan for training. Whether they attend course offerings as a refresher, or are starting with basics, Mathangi finds her role as a Market Training Program Lead to be very fulfilling.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: "Lifeguards of the Grid"

Our operators who oversee New York’s power grid are like “a lifeguard on the ocean,” says Jon Sawyer, Director of Grid Operations at the NYISO. “You're monitoring, you're tracking, but when an emergency happens ‘right now’ you've got to go do something.”

VIDEO SERIES: Connecting More Renewable Energy to the Grid

“For the past few years an overwhelming number of clean energy requests have rushed into our interconnection queue with a process that was not originally designed for this large volume of requests,” says Manager of Facilities Study, Wenjin Yan. The interconnection queue is an important piece in helping meet the state’s policy goals. In this new video series, we highlight the efforts underway to improve and expedite the connection of more renewable energy to the grid.

Power Players: The NYISO Women Leading a Grid in Transition

(PictureL-R: Cheryl L. Hussey, Vice President & CFO; Tara Lefevre, Senior Manager, Control Room Operations; Deneen Byrne, Vice President of Human Resources; Emilie Nelson, Executive Vice President & COO; Yachi Lin, Director, System Planning; Karen G. Gach, Deputy General Counsel; Juliann Madara, Director of Internal Audit) From an engineering perspective, the electric system in New York has until recently looked largely as it did in 1882 when Thomas Edison launched the world’s first cogeneration plant in lower Manhattan.

Eclipse 2024: What Happened to Solar Generation Across New York?

As we recently highlighted, there was a tremendous amount of interest about the impacts of the 2024 solar eclipse on solar generation and the bulk power system here in New York.

Podcast Ep. 32: Modeling the Path to Decarbonization with Cornell's Dr. C. Lindsay Anderson

What does the path to a decarbonized grid by 2040 look like? Dr. C. Lindsay Anderson of Cornell University is working to answer the question of where best on the grid to incorporate large amounts of new generation on the future grid to achieve optimal performance.

NYISO’s Comprehensive Reliability Plan Identifies Future Challenges to Grid Reliability

The System and Resource Planning Department at the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) recently completed our 2023-2032 Comprehensive Reliability Plan (CRP), which analyzes the electric system on a ten year time horizon for reliability risks and investment needs to keep the electric system reliable.

Eclipse 2024: Keeping the Lights on When the Skies Go Dark

As millions of New Yorkers are treated to a view of a total solar eclipse, we at the NYISO will be monitoring its impacts and managing the power grid, which is incorporating more clean energy resources than ever.

POLICY BRIEF: How Markets Attract Investment in Renewable Generation

Markets are the most powerful means to drive needed energy infrastructure investment in support of reliability. While state incentives attract investment in clean energy generation, markets will continue to be needed to attract the capabilities necessary to balance the system, including flexibility and responsiveness to balance the availability of wind and solar to ensure that the greener grid is also a reliable grid.

VIDEO: Episode 5 – Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

A great deal of attention is being paid to the important process of connecting new generation like wind, solar, and energy storage to the electric grid. And for good reason: large investments in emissions-free resources are necessary to meet the state's climate goals and new resources are necessary to help make up for retiring fossil-based generators.

Powering Large-Scale Economic Development Projects Requires Proactive Planning and Additional Resources

For the past two decades, demand for electricity in New York grew modestly as energy efficiency programs and new products like LED lighting counterbalanced an increase in demand from smart phones, digital TVs, and computers.

NYISO’s Comprehensive Reliability Plan Reveals the Grid’s Graying Generation

The machines that provide modern comfort and convenience have an expected life span. A report from the National Association of Home Builders found that most major home appliances have a life expectancy between 15-20 years. Additionally, the average age of cars and light trucks on the road today is just 12.5 years – according to a recent analysis from S&P Global.

Podcast Ep. 31: Columbia Climate School’s Daniel Zarrilli on New York’s Decarbonization Progress

Columbia University’s Daniel Zarrilli knows a thing or two about New York City and the effects of climate change.

January’s Polar Vortex and Lessons in Reliability for the Future Grid

The impact of January’s polar vortex on electric systems across the nation is a lesson in preparing New York’s grid for future winter reliability needs.

NYISO’s 2024 Priorities Are Fueling New York’s Clean Energy Future

As New York works towards the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), the NYISO continues to support the development of renewable resources, transmission projects, and new market design initiatives to deliver the grid of the future. Keeping the lights on in homes, businesses, hospitals, and schools across the state is essential as we strive to decarbonize the grid.

2023 Year in Review: Maintaining Reliability During the Transition to Clean Energy

In 2023, the NYISO continued to address the challenges associated with balancing new electricity demand growth and accelerating retirements of existing generators with the slow pace of new generation construction. It was a year of important planning studies, identifying and solving for reliability issues in New York City, and keeping a close watch on major infrastructure projects like the Champlain Hudson Power Express that will help support the transition to a decarbonized electric system. As we begin the important work of the year ahead, here are some important milestones from 2023.

Podcast Ep. 30: Nicole Bouchez, PhD, on her unique role as NYISO’s Consumer Interest Liaison

You might say Nicole Bouchez’s role as the NYISO’s Consumer Interest Liaison and Senior Principal Economist combines deep data analytics with good, old-fashioned customer service.

VIDEO: Middleburgh STEM Students Learn About Grid of the Future

Helping to educate the next generation of energy leaders is an important part of what we do, and a key element of our community outreach program. Our team was excited to host students and teachers from Middleburgh High School on December 14 for a control room tour and conversation about the grid of the future.

Unwrapping NYISO's 2023-2024 Outlook on Winter Readiness

As temperatures and snowflakes fall across New York, it's important to highlight a recent study by our team of experts, which examines how the grid is expected to perform during the 2023-2024 winter season.

Remembering Brad Jones

Brad Jones, former NYISO President and CEO, passed away on Wednesday, November 8.

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