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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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Document Category Posted
2 MST 23.2 Part A
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/27
2b MST Part A
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/27
2a MST Part A
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/27
02 Disposition of Funds from 2019 Budget Cycle.pdf
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-31
BPWG 2020/03/26
05 2020 Project Schedule Milestone Update
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-31
BPWG 2020/03/26
04 2020 Corporate Incentive Goals
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-31
BPWG 2020/03/26
Final Motions
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/26
5 NYISO Grid in Transition Study: Detailed Assumptions and Modeling Description
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/26
03 2019 Corporate Incentive Goals Achievement.pdf
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-31
BPWG 2020/03/26
Final Minutes
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2019 - 2019-12-18
MC 2020/03/26
04 2020 Corporate Incentive Goals Presentation
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-31
BPWG 2020/03/26
00 Agenda
committees - mc - bpwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-31
BPWG 2020/03/26
Project Facility Changes Determined to be Non-Material dated 3/26/2020
planning - Interconnection-Projects - Other-Interconnection-Documents
Planning 2020/03/26
4 ESR Performance Update & Proposal
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/25
04 Final Comments NYPA-LIPA-Central Hudson - Cost Containment Right to Build
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2019 - 2019-08-20
ESPWG 2020/03/25
4a MST 4.2 redline
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/25
3 Capacity Market Reliability and Market Considerations
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/25
1 Agenda - Revised
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-30
ICAPWG 2020/03/25
6 Part A Enhancements Tariff: MST
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/24
4 NYISO 2019/2020 ICAP Demand Curve Reset Continued Modeling Discussions
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/24
6a Part A Enhancements Tariff: MST
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/24
ICAP AMS_ESR Related DMNC Screen Changes
training - workshops-courses - Training-Course-Materials - ICAP AMS Redesign Training
3 DCR: Additional Discussion of Gross CONE by Locality
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/24
6b Part A Enhancements Tariff: MST 23.2
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/24
5 EA&S Model for DCR
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/24
FAQs for requesting Demand Response participation data from the NYISO
markets - demand-response - Demand-Response - DR01-General-Information
5a SCR Offer Floor Request
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/23
5b SCR Offer Floor Programs
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/23
2 Autumn 2020 Centralized TCC Auction Survey and Discussion
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/23
1 Agenda
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-26
ICAPWG 2020/03/23
2a Order 841 Electric Storage Participation – DSS Updates for Settlements
committees - bic - bawg - bitf - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-24
BITF 2020/03/20
2 Regulated Transmission - Highway Deliverability Project (Rate Schedule 12 Settlements)
committees - bic - bawg - bitf - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-24
BITF 2020/03/20
1 Agenda
committees - bic - bawg - bitf - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-24
BITF 2020/03/20
Final Motions
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-18
BIC 2020/03/19
January 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
committees - appeals - BOD-Meeting-Minutes - Meeting-Minutes - 2020
Meeting Materials 2020/03/19
Final Minutes
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-02-12
BIC 2020/03/19
4 Presentation: Comprehensive Mitigation Review: Part A Enhancements
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-18
ICAPWG 2020/03/18
4c MST
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-18
ICAPWG 2020/03/18
4a MST
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-18
ICAPWG 2020/03/18
05 MST 23.7
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
05 MST
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
05 MST 5.12
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
05 MST 4.4
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
05 Tariff Modifications Required for the ESR Participation Model
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
4b MST 23.2
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-18
ICAPWG 2020/03/18
06 Broader Regional Markets Report
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
04 Winter 2019-2020 Cold Weather Operations
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
02 Draft Meeting Minutes - December 18, 2019
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
05 Motion
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
03 CEO-COO Report
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
9a 2018-2019 Hourly Zonal BTM Solar Generation
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/18
02 Draft Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2020
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
05 MST 25
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
00 Agenda
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
03 Operations Report
committees - mc - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-25
MC 2020/03/18
Combined ICAP Manual Changes for Agendas 2, 3, 4 & 5
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/17
6a MST 5.12 redline
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/17
4 Presentation: Energy Storage Resources: ICAP Manual Changes
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/17
5 BSM Examination of New SCRs
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2020 - 2020-03-20
ICAPWG 2020/03/17