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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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38398 Results found
Document Category Posted
NYSEG/Con Edison Draft Proposal Executive Compensation Measures
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-31
BSP 2005/08/30
committees - mc - inactive - ppt - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-31
PPT 2005/08/30
HQUS Comments on ICAP Manual changes addressing Import Rights
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/29
July 2005 Budget vs. Actual
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-31
BSP 2005/08/29
Agenda 03 June Budget vs. Actual
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-31
BSP 2005/08/29
Load Trends Comparison
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-31
BSP 2005/08/29
NYISO Eighth Biweekly Price and Software Correction Compliance Repor
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Aug
committees - mc - mpaas - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-17
MPAAS 2005/08/29
ICAP Manual Revisions to 5.2 Demand Curve. v2
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/26
Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights for External Ties
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/26
Joint ISO/RTO filing of rulemaking comments
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Aug
Agenda 06a BAWG Report 082405
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-24
BIC 2005/08/26
Draft White Paper - Adjusting for the Overstatement of Resource Availability
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/25
DRAFT ICAP Demand Curve - Revised Tariff Sheets
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/25
DRAFT 2008 ICAP Demand Curve Development Schedule
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/25
ICAP Manual - Draft Revised Import Rights Allocation Language
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/25
ICAP Manual - Draft Revised DMNC Verification Language
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/25
committees - bic - icapwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-29
ICAPWG 2005/08/25
Agenda 04 Market Operations Report 082405
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-24
BIC 2005/08/23
Agenda 08 VSS Presentation
committees - bic - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-08-24
BIC 2005/08/23