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Grid of the Future, Episode 5: Connecting Clean Energy to the Grid

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Document Category Posted
FERC Order - Accepting for Filing and Establishing Hearing on Amendments to Third Party TWAs
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 1999 - 09
FERC Order - Accept April 30, 1999 Compliance Filing
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 1999 - 07
FERC Order - OASIS Limited Waiver
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 1999 - 09
FERC Order - Installed Capacity Auction Proposal
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 1999 - 10
Agenda 00
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-10-04
ESPWG 2005/09/28
NYISO filing of its Tenth Biweekly Price Corrections Report
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Sep
FERC letter order accepting for informational purposes the NYISO's semi-annual demand reponse compliance report
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 2005 - Sep
Draft ESPWG Notes 082205
committees - bic - espwg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-10-04
ESPWG 2005/09/28
Agenda 02 Settlements Report
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-28
BAWG 2005/09/28
Agenda 06 Project Status
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-28
BAWG 2005/09/28
Budget vs. Actual Summary, August 2005
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
BSP 2005/09/27
Agenda 00
committees - bic - bawg - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-28
BAWG 2005/09/27
Transmission Owner Comments
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
Comments from Mark Chier of NYSEG
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
Draft Definition for Revenue Meter Inventories
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
Draft Definition of NYISO Revenue Meters
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
Comments from Ho-Chen Chien of Con Ed
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
Project Management Update
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
BSP 2005/09/26
Mark Chier of NYSEG: referenced document
committees - bic - inactive - bawg - mtf - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
MTF 2005/09/26
NYISO filing of a motion to intervene regarding the Connecticut Representatives complaint v. ISO-NE concerning Market Rule 1and compensation for generators in CT
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2005 - Sep
NYISO Product Budget Overview
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
BSP 2005/09/23
2007-2010 Budget Targets
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
BSP 2005/09/23
NYISO 2006 Budget Overview
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
BSP 2005/09/23
2006 Incentive Goals
committees - mc - inactive - bsp - meeting-materials - 2005 - 2005-09-27
BSP 2005/09/23
NYISO filing of a response to a third party motion for clarification regarding proposed changes to the market mitigation measures
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2003 - Jun
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 2003 - Jul
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 2003 - Jul
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Orders-1999-2009 - 2003 - Jul
NYISO filing of comments regarding the FERC's NOPR concerning changes to the standards of conduct rules
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2001 - Dec
NYISO filing of a motion to intervene with the US Court of Appeals regarding a third party appeal of two FERC orders concerning reserves issues
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2001 - Dec
NYISO filing of a answer to a third party protest of its tariff filing establishing credit policies for virtual bidding
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Jan
NYISO request for clarification of two FERC orders regarding the treatment of DADRP and EDRP participants
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Jan
NYISO compliance filing to bring its Interregional Transmission Congestion Pilot Program into conformance with the PJM pilot
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Jan
NYISO Filing of revisions to the ISO Operator Agreement - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May
Attachment IV - Services Tariff - Redline
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-rec-charges
Tariff Sheets - Redlined
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-hybrid-fixed-block
Tariff Sheets - Clean
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-hybrid-fixed-block
Attachment II - OATT Sheet 404 - Redline
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-lipa-tariff-rev
Attachment I - OATT and Services - Clean
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-hybrid-fixed-block
Attachment I - OATT Sheet 404 - Clean
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-lipa-tariff-rev
NYISO Filing of an answer to a third party complaint v. NYISO regarding changes to the in-city installed capacity mitigation measures
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar
NYISO filing of compliance and substitute tariff sheets regarding cost allocation rules for new interconnection facilities
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar
Attachment II - Agreement - Redline
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-Cvr-Ltr-ISO-Agrmrnt-Rvsns
Attachment II - Schedule 4 Sheets - Redline
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-virt-trans
Attachment V - J. Savitt Affidavit
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar - Child-comp-mit-filing
NYISO and ISO-NE joint filing of an answer to a third party request for FERC action concerning the scope of the proposed NE RTO
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar
NYISO Filing of tariff revisions to reflect changes to the wholesale transmission service charge - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May
NYISO Tariff Compliance Filing reflecting the FERC's Order pertaining to the fixed block pricing rule for the Day-Ahead Market - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May
NYISO Filing of a compliance report regarding virtual transactions - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May
Attachment A - NYISO Data
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar - Child-intrchng-dt-cmplnc-ltr-3-26-02
NYISO Tariff Compliance Filing regarding the elimination of three pre-scheduling enhancements which the FERC's February 26, 2002 Order rejected without prejudice - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar
NYISO filing of a motion to intervene regarding a third party request to transfer operational control from the NYISO to PJM
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2001 - Nov
NYISO Tariff Compliance Filing and revisions to the cost allocation rules for new interconnection facilities for generators less than 10 MW in size - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Apr
NYISO filing of an answer to a third request for clarification regarding the extent to which extensions to grandfathered transmission service agreements should be permitted
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Apr
NYISO filing of a request for an extension of the existing automated mitigation procedures and penalties provisions until FERC acts on the comprehensive mitigation filing
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Apr
NYISO Filing of Services Tariff revisions to conform the pricing of 30-minute reserves in the balancing market evaluation and security constrained dispatch - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-virt-trans
NYISO Tariff Filing to modify recovery of charges assessed under Rate Schedule 1 of the OATT and Services Tariffs - Cover Letter
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May
Attachment IV - OATT Sheets - Redline
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - Mar - Child-prescheduling-cover-letter
Attachment III - Services Tariff - Clean
library - Regulatory-Resources - FERC-Filings-1999-2009 - 2002 - May - Child-cover-letter-rec-charges