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Changing Demand, Changing Grid: Delivering Power in a New Era

For the last century, energy use grew year by year. As population grew, more homes were electrified and more uses for electricity were found. Growing demand for energy was met through physical expansion of the grid to increase its generation and delivery capacity.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: After 35 Years, Still Excited about Managing the Electric Grid

As a kid, he wanted to be a truck driver. Luckily for the NYISO, Wes Yeomans was convinced by his father to try college to pursue a passion for math and science.

Preparing for the Best Experience with NYISO’s New Website

We are very excited to announce that on December 5th we will be launching a completely redesigned public website at

Conductors of the Electric Orchestra: How NYISO Operators Learn to Keep the Power Flowing

Every minute of every day, the electricity consumed in New York State is controlled by seven people sitting in a room at the headquarters of the New York Independent System Operator. Inside this control room, operators keep track of every major power line across the state, reacting to the ever-changing demands of the electric grid.

VIDEO: Honoring Our Veterans

From control room operators to computer programmers and business analysts, more than 50 NYISO employees have served in the military.

New York State Electric Grid Well Positioned to Meet Demands of Winter

The New York State electric grid is well positioned to meet demands of a cold winter season, NYISO Vice President for Market Operations Emilie Nelson told the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) during a recent hearing on winter preparedness.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: “As a power system engineer, there’s really no better place than New York ISO.”

When she was younger, electrical engineer Yachi Lin faced two career choices – travel writing or working with numbers.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: “It’s really exciting to see the evolution of the electric grid.”

Distributed energy resources continue to grow in New York State, and NYISO’s Vijay Ganugula is at the center of these new technologies.

Carbon Pricing Aligns Energy Markets and State Policy

The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) is working with stakeholders on a market-based approach, known as carbon pricing, to better align its wholesale markets with New York State’s environmental goals.

NYISO Celebrates 4th Anniversary of Control Center

The NYISO’s Control Center celebrates a milestone. Four years ago, this state-of-the-art facility took control of the electrical grid, ensuring reliability and security of the New York power system.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: “I’m positively affecting peoples’ lives.”

Born and raised in Far Rockaway, New York, Arrissa grew up wanting to become a lawyer while studying at the University of Albany.

Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are a broad category of resources that includes distributed generation, energy storage technologies, combined heat and power systems, and microgrids.

NYISO Sets the Record Straight on Carbon Pricing Project

Reliability and Efficient Markets in New York is NYISO Mission. As New York’s independent grid operator, we read with concern the recent Daily Caller article “NY’s Grid Operator Is About To Make Electricity Even More Expensive.” The article makes a number of claims that are incorrect.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: “You get to keep the lights on for every New Yorker.”

Passion. It’s a quality so many of our people powering New York have, and Mike is no exception.

VIDEO: People Who Power NY: “An environment of continuous learning and growth.”

The thing that hooked Francine on the energy industry might not interest a lot of people, but anyone who’s deeply passionate about learning can probably relate.

Capacity & Energy

When it comes to measuring electricity, it is important to distinguish between capacity and energy.

Understanding Summer Energy Demand

This is the time of year when New Yorkers start using air conditioners and fans to help battle the heat.

NYISO Addresses Potential Interconnection of NRG’s Dunkirk Generation Facility

NYISO President and CEO Brad Jones responds to Chautauqua County Executive George Borrello’s June 10th commentary regarding the future of NRG’s Dunkirk facility.

VIDEO: Job Corp Students Get Schooled on Real World Solar

Students from Hudson Valley Community College’s Job Corp program recently visited the NYISO.

VIDEO: People Who Power NY: “That’s what we do: work together and figure things out.”

The people powering New York don’t just focus on power; they focus on personal interactions as well.

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