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Keeping the Power Flowing: It's What We Do

When we sum up our mission, we like to say we have one overarching goal: to keep the power flowing, at all times.

Unbottling Wind: How We Can Expand Clean Energy

With the growing focus on climate change, policymakers are increasingly calling for clean energy to replace fossil fuels to power the grid. But due to the limitations of today’s grid, not all renewable sources we have on the system today are being used to their full advantage.

Q&A with NYISO Board Chair, Ave Bie: Problem Solver and Sports Fan

As we celebrate Women's History Month, we interviewed our distinguished board chair, Ave Bie. A tireless power grid advocate and leader, she's a great example of history making at the New York ISO.

Shared Governance: How Our Stakeholders Have a Voice in Shaping the Electric Grid

While independence is at the core of the NYISO’s mission, we don’t make decisions alone. The NYISO’s market policies, changes to our federally-regulated Tariffs (which guide grid management, system planning, and wholesale market rules), and other decisions related to the sale and transmission of power are all determined with input and approval by stakeholders.

Joy Zimberlin, Finding Energy in Good Ideas

With Women's History Month upon us, Joy Zimberlin, recently named to the Women in Communications & Energy Board of Directors, has advice for women charting their own history, ‘Accomplish something new every day. Be confident. Be true to yourself.’ And maybe, go skydiving.

The Power of Markets - How the New York ISO's Independent Markets Support the Electric Grid

Every five minutes, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, electricity in New York State is bought and sold through the NYISO markets. Through these markets, recurring competitive auctions select the least-cost set of resources to meet grid demand.

33 years in power. Meet Laura Gribbin.

In honor of Women's History Month, we're highlighting history-making women of our own. Like Laura Gribbin. She was the first female programmer in her department way back when. After 33 years, she's still innovating.

VIDEO: How the New York ISO Powers New York

The New York ISO directs the electricity that powers homes, businesses, schools and hospitals; from where it's generation to where you need it.

VIDEO: Moving Toward Lower Carbon Emissions in New York

As the VP of Operations at NYISO, Wes Yeoman’s department will play a large role in overseeing the implementation of carbon pricing, a program the NYISO is examining the stakeholder process. If approved, carbon pricing will put a value to “the social cost of carbon” in the sale of wholesale power, creating price signals that encourage investment in clean energy resources and cleaner fossil-fuel technology. “It’s going to be exciting to incorporate those into the electric system,” he says.

How the People Who Power New York Give Back

Running New York’s electric grid takes dedication. So does being a community-minded organization. Either way, the New York Independent System Operator, (New York ISO for short), knows the importance of caring about our neighbors.

Internships at the New York ISO: A Unique Job and Learning Experience for College Students

For college students interested in learning how an electric grid is managed, there are few opportunities that compare to interning with the New York Independent System Operator, or NYISO for short.

VIDEO: People Who Power NY: "I come to work every day in awe of what I do."

At first Elaine wanted to be an artist, then she went to college for political science. After that, she explored nursing. Eventually she found a way to apply her creativity and love of learning to computer science.

From Across the World, Energy Industry Experts Come to Learn at NYISO

On a rainy Friday in late fall, 19 engineers and grid operators from the southern part of Africa came to the New York Independent System Operator to learn how the organization runs the electric grid. They were here as part of a short tour of the United States to find new ways to improve their own power delivery system.

Changing Demand, Changing Grid: Delivering Power in a New Era

For the last century, energy use grew year by year. As population grew, more homes were electrified and more uses for electricity were found. Growing demand for energy was met through physical expansion of the grid to increase its generation and delivery capacity.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: After 35 Years, Still Excited about Managing the Electric Grid

As a kid, he wanted to be a truck driver. Luckily for the NYISO, Wes Yeomans was convinced by his father to try college to pursue a passion for math and science.

Preparing for the Best Experience with NYISO’s New Website

We are very excited to announce that on December 5th we will be launching a completely redesigned public website at

Conductors of the Electric Orchestra: How NYISO Operators Learn to Keep the Power Flowing

Every minute of every day, the electricity consumed in New York State is controlled by seven people sitting in a room at the headquarters of the New York Independent System Operator. Inside this control room, operators keep track of every major power line across the state, reacting to the ever-changing demands of the electric grid.

VIDEO: Honoring Our Veterans

From control room operators to computer programmers and business analysts, more than 50 NYISO employees have served in the military.

New York State Electric Grid Well Positioned to Meet Demands of Winter

The New York State electric grid is well positioned to meet demands of a cold winter season, NYISO Vice President for Market Operations Emilie Nelson told the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) during a recent hearing on winter preparedness.

VIDEO: People Who Power New York: “As a power system engineer, there’s really no better place than New York ISO.”

When she was younger, electrical engineer Yachi Lin faced two career choices – travel writing or working with numbers.

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